Electronic Court Filing Information

Electronic Court Filing Information

The IT Department can assist you with setting up or converting existing Court accounts with respect to eFiling.  Currently, we support e-filing accounts using NextGen Pacer and Catalis (Previously Turbo Court)

NextGen Pacer 

NextGen Pacer account registration should be initiated by the attorney as personal information is required. After registration is submitted, the attorney will receive an email to complete the account set up and should forward that email to the IT Department. If a new case is filed by the Firm, the legal assistant should use their Firm-issued credit card for the filing fee.

Login and Registration URL: (https://pacer.uscourts.gov/)

For a complete list of courts that utilize Case Management (CM) and Electronic Case Files (ECF) CLICK HERE

  1. US District Courts
  2. US Bankruptcy Court
  3. US Appellate Courts

New Attorneys with existing Pacer accounts must provide their login credentials to the IT Department in order to link your account to the firms Pacer license.


Catalis account registration will need to be initiated by the IT Department in order to link the account to the Firm credit card for filing fees.  The IT Department will provide the login credentials to the attorney and legal assistant.

Login URL: (https://catalisgov.com/turbocourt-lp/). 

For a complete list of courts that utilize Catalis for eFiling’s CLICK HERE

  1. AZ Superior Courts
  2. AZ Court of Appeals

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